
Greatest effect on spermatogenesis - YANAMACA

The greatest effect on spermatogenesis was observed with Black Maca. Antioxidant components could play a role in the effect of increased epididymal sperm concentration observed in the model.
There were differences in the biological response of the three varieties of maca (Yellow, Red and Black). Black Maca has more beneficial effects on sperm counts and epididymal sperm motility.

Beneficial effects to improve learning and memory

Black Maca also appeared to have more beneficial effects on latent learning in OVX mice; meanwhile, all varieties of Maca showed antidepressant activities. Moreover, Black Maca improves scopolamine-induced memory deficits.

Effect of black maca against fatigue. It increases the physical resistence, retarding fatrigue.

Mice got in a swimming pool and it was controlled the time in which it comes to the fatigue and sinks:

  • Group without treatment comes to the fatigue at 10-15 minutes

  • Group with red maca comes to the fatigue 30-35 minutes

  • Group with black maca comes to the fatigue 100-120 minutes

Against stress

All varieties of maca show antidepressant activities. In adult men assessment of stress by psicometric tests before and after treatment with maca and placebo showed a favorable effect of maca. Results with black maca indicated the low stress glaringly.

Black Maca - Yanamaca

  • Increases the labour activity avoiding the fatigue

  • It improves learning and memory

  • It has beneficial effects on male reproductive function

  • It greatly affects energy, stamina, depression, and anxiety


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© Maca Negra - Maca Roja 2009. All rights reserved. Diseñado por PLUS G STUDIO